Saturday, July 24, 2010

8 Weeks and Counting...

Nolan is now 8 weeks old (just shy of his two month mark) and I cannot believe how much he has grown. We are seeing so many new things from him. We have started experiencing different moods from happy, content smiling when I'm talking to him to fussing and crying during his extreme efforts to fight sleep!

Here are just a few moments among the hundreds that we have captured. I LOVE this little baby more than words!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Pictures For Grandma

Nolan has a very special family in Japan and we cannot wait for the opportunity to take him over there. His Grandma Mayumi and Uncles Ikki and Takeru look forward to blog updates so that they can see this precious little baby growing up. What they look forward to the most is the pictures. So, I am going to try to commit to at least one monthly posting of pictures only and hope to increase the number of pictures in my other posts for them!

This is for our family in Japan - We Love You!